"Always remember: If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up.
Who's going to know?" ~Julia Child

This blog is for my fiancee, Robert, who is 1,000 miles away and is always asking me how to make certain things, so he can recreate the dishes I make at home. And for my friends who keep me keep me busy emailing them recipes.

It is a compilation of tried and true, original recipes and new recipes that just look so good I have to try them. :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Key Lime-Margarita Cupcakes


I decided to wing this recipe. I'm not great at getting baking measurements right without a recipe, so for this I went with a box of Betty Crocker White Cake Mix following the recipe on the back of the box for the egg white version. There are no yolks in this cake. Very simple, very easy. 

I zested 1 lime, and added half of the zest to the batter. The rest of the zest was reserved for the icing. I also squeezed all the lime juice into the batter. Next I added half a shot of tequila and 1 package of sugar-free lime jello powder. (That gave the batter that awesome key-lime color, also added a nice flavor!)

Bake at 350 for 20 min. Let cupcakes cool completely before icing. No one likes runny icing.

For the icing, I used a tub of pre-made whipped buttercream icing. To that I added the remainder of the lime zest, and a full shot of tequila! Because of my personal love for mango margaritas...I wanted a color that reminded me of that. So I added just a hint of Wilton yellow color gel until I got the color I wanted.


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